Pay It Forward

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Random acts of kindness can truly brighten someone’s day. Help spread the kindness and foster a more caring and socially-responsible society.
We created this web page as a forum to share those acts of kindness with the world. If someone has done something nice for you or if you’ve witnessed an extraordinary example of paying it forward, please use this page to spread the word. Your comments can be completely anonymous and it’s a great way to share the love.

See What Others Have Said

“When I started middle school I was living in South Baltimore. I had to take public transit for the first time leaving home around 6AM to arrive to my school in Northeast Baltimore on time. Me and my mom did trial rides the week before to get the routes down. The school also had busses at the school. This particular day I took the bus in front of the school that was marked Downtown. As you can expect it did not go to its listed destination. Its last stop was (I later came to know was East Baltimore)closer to East North Avenue.

I’ll never did get her name but I guess the lady could see I was silently freaking out. My infamous poker face was still in its infancy. She asked me how far I needed to go. When I told her Cherry Hill she walked me to the correct bus stop and gave me bus fare.

This is one of the many reasons that throughout my life that I try to be a helping hand whenever I can.”

Baltimore, Maryland

“Hello. I was just at California Tortilla in Bethesda and two of our residents were in line ahead of me. One of them placed her order, realized she forgot her wallet, and her neighbor stepped in and covered her meal. They recognized each other and hopefully a friendship will blossom!”

Silver Spring, Maryland

“The assistant property manager at Park Charles (Caj) went above and beyond to help me with a special project. He literally took of his tie and helped me with this special project. Good things happen to good people and he reminded me of that! Thanks Caj!”

Baltimore, Maryland

“Participated in the SMC Spruce up in Laurel and in VA. They both were really amazing. I truly enjoyed it! I’m looking forward to participating in future events with such great people!. Pay it Forward…”

Glen Burnie, Maryland

“I am boarder line wanting to share this with you for fear you would think I am crazy but here goes….

I was in a gas station getting gas and needed to also use their ATM. I noticed a receipt still in the ATM and the looked down and noticed that there a $20 bill lying in the dispenser.

Not thinking I snatched the receipt and money looked around, no one around but two cashiers so I ran outside and there also no one to be seen. I then gave the $20 bill and receipt to the cashier, explained what happened. He looked at me probably thinking I was a completed idiot and I didn’t realize why until he repeated back to me what I had just explained to him.

I then went back to ATM and finished my transaction. As I was leaving the other cashier ran to catch up with me and said wow, I can’t believe you returned this money. I told him, I could not have this on my conscious, someone possibly getting their last $20 out of their account, maybe using this for money for groceries for their kids, I can surely relate to being low on cash these days.

He reached out his hand to shake my hand and said you are something. That’s really all I needed to hear really made my day :)”

Silver Spring, Maryland

“I stopped by the Chateau Apartments and noticed and older resident with a cane exiting Building 2 walking really slow. I was on my way in to Building 2 to do a delivery. 20 minutes later I got to Building 1 to do another delivery and noticed the resident with the cane had just made it to Building 1. He was breathing really heavy. I greeted him and as I opened the entrance door for him, Raquel had just pulled up in a golf cart and was going to drive the resident to the bus stop at the end of the community. That walk alone could have taken him an hour. Thank you Raquel for lending your hand in such a nice way to your resident. I know that resident truly appreciated your kindness.”

Silver Spring, Maryland

“I want to recognize Amy Gross for paying it forward today with buying lunch. Man, was she right on time; my heart and stomach were happy!”

Silver Spring, Maryland

“While purchasing drive through breakfast at McDonald’s and lunch at Wendy’s I paid for the car behind me then pulled up to watch for a reaction. They appeared surprised, then paid for the next order as well. I’m not sure if the next car in line did the same but I hope it went on paying forward for a while.”

Woodbridge, Virginia

“Today we took fresh fruit and Nutrigrain Bars around the streets of Baltimore City and gave them to homeless people. They were very grateful. It was so nice to do something good for others in need!”

Baltimore, Maryland

“I picked up a fellow team member from the car dealership, she had her car serviced and don’t have a ride to work. Happy to pay it forward.”

Dundalk, Maryland

“It was the second day of our bikepacking trip from Pittsburg PA to Cumberland MD when we saw a couple walking their bicycle, we asked them what was going on and the lady said her bike had a flat tire, it was fixed earlier by some bikers ahead of us and its ran flat again. Even though we were running late to the next campsite, we decided to stop and help the couple. They were 15 miles away from their campsite and we cant afford to let them walk that far in the woods and it was almost nightfall. I patched the inner tube and had the bike running again. . Everybody was happy to lend a helping hand and we still manage to get to the campsite on time.
After a few hours, we got settled at camp and two other bikers arrived a little past 9pm, They tried to get food from the local stores and all were closed since we had extra pizzas for dinner we gave it to them and they were so thankful because they were so hungry after pedaling 75 miles. We felt great to pay it forward.”

Dundalk, Maryland

“I was arriving to Aldi and could not find a quarter for the shopping cart. A lady must have noticed and decided to just give me her cart. I told her I was looking for a quarter. She said, don’t worry about it. I said thank you. When I came out of the groceries and loaded up my car, I decided to give my shopping cart to someone. She was so appreciative. it felt great to pay it forward!”

Beltsville, Maryland

“While struggling with several boxes, a young man from a first floor suite opened the door and proceeded to assist me without hesitation. it was so nice to see someone helping a complete stranger. His mother would be so proud.”

College Park, Maryland

“I was surprise to see my favorite snacks and goodies with a heart warming message sitting on my desk. I feel so appreciated from my team. I love my JOB and my TEAM!!!”

College Park, Maryland

“I witnessed my service manger paying it forward to the two grounds techs that just joined our team. We just starting having our own grounds team and he supplied them each with their own hand saws, hammers, screw driver sets, pry bars, and utility knives. He let them know that their first set of tools was on him and after that they would have to replace their own tools. I later asked him if he had his receipt so I could submit for reimbursement for him. He replied, “It was done for me when I first started working here with no tools at all…I have done it for all of my service technicians and this is my way to pay it forward.” Once, most of the office was sick and he went out and bought a box of tissue for each desk in the office out of pocket. These are just a few examples of how Leon Pays it Forward.”

Longview-Woodbridge, Virginia

“Have you ever had someone pay for your coffee spontaneously and it brightened your day? Well that’s what Tera did for our team! She recently brightened up our team’s day by bringing us a delicious lunch as a job well done. We appreciate Tera’s generosity. -The ALS Team”

College Park, MD

“Kenny Shepard and Tammy Butler of the Grounds team at Carriage Hill Apartment Homes, came in the office to surprise Nilda Reyes, the Administrative Assistant with a Red Lobster lunch! Kenny and Tammy thanked Nilda for always being a positive team member and providing outstanding customer service!”

Suitland, MD

“After work I stopped by Jimmy John’s to grab dinner for my husband and I. I was at the drive through window and decided to pay for the persons food behind me in line. It felt amazing to make another person good.”

Fort Meade, Maryland

“I recently donated my daughters old Disney DVD collection (50+ movies) to a mom who could not afford to buy them for her child. She is so happy and thankful, that every time she sees me, she hugs me and cries happy tears. :)”

Silver Spring, Maryland

“Last week before Thanksgiving my neighbor, who I have only exchanged a few words with, works at coca cola. He knocked on our door and said, here are some coca cola so you can enjoy thanksgiving dinner. It came just in time because we had no drinks in the house for our unexpected guests. I had still touched by this act of kindness.”

Silver Spring, Maryland

“While in line at the store. there was a woman in line behind us who placed her item on the conveyer belt. The belt moved and her item mixed in with ours. When the line abruptly closed, Kia grabbed our items including the one that belonged to the woman, moved to another line, paid for everything and made the woman’s day.”

Hyattsville, Maryland

“Randi-Ashly the bookkeeper at the Palisades of Towson went above and beyond to help me with a family event. I could not have done this without her help and her willing to assist. thank you so much Randi!”

Towson, Maryland

“Dear Ms. White:
As commander of Precinct One, I would like to thank you for the various treats you dropped off for the personnel at Precinct One, Baltimore County Police Department. Each year brings new challenges for our officers. Often required to deal with unpleasant aspects of society, these officers always welcome recognition for a job well done. It is comforting to know that the citizens we serve appreciate and support us.

I am proud of the officers of this command and their law enforcement efforts. So on behalf of the men and women of Precinct One, I want to thank you again for taking the time to deliver the basket of treats. Your kindness is greatly appreciated. ”

Captain Donna M. Benton, Commanding Officer Precinct One/Wilkens

“Over the weekend, I donated my time to an organization called Feed My Starving Children/Food Fight. This is a hunger relief organization. We bagged food for kids in need. This was my 2nd time doing this event. I did it for the cause and also to show my daughter how blessed we are and to be a blessing to others.”

Prince Georges County, Maryland

“I donated a set of CDs to a resident. Hopefully, the resident will make of use of them at the pool this Summer for all to reminisce obout the fomer years (70s & 80s) and the resident also received a free meal after asking what do you have in here to eat? Fish stick and fries were on the menu.”

Temple Hills, Maryland

“A Howard University student (sophomore) and resident of Marlborough House was assisted with her psychology assignment on a rainy Saturday morning in April. She appeared to be grateful for the interview with the story of my life. She says she received a ‘B’ for her work.”

Temple Hills, Maryland

“Alberto took personal time to assist new team members with Yardi!”

Twin Towers, Maryland

“For Oxon Hill Village’s annual cotillion/beautillion, the children did so well and were so attentive in dance practice that Ms. Jones bought all 18 children Chick-fil-a for dinner for their hard work!”

Oxon Hill, Maryland

“On my way to the Clash Team Building Event, I stopped to help an elderly woman fix her flat tire. I would want someone to do the same in a time of need. “


“I was at the Home Depot and a woman came up to me and said she was hungry and I gave her $10.”

Cavalier Club, Virginia

“Donated 5 pair of shoes, 3 coats, and 3 outfits to a child in need in her community!!!”

Carriage Hill, Maryland

“For the past 5 years I have been assisting my neighbor with cutting her grass and checking on her from time to time.”

Campus Gardens, Maryland

“I help the lady in a wheel chair that lives on the community when she is dropped off from her doctors appointments. I also assist her at 4:30am in the morning to get her onto the bus.”

Wilder Croft, Maryland

“During a visit in New York at a Dunkin Donut I paid it forward to other customers in line by buying the donuts and coffee.”

Woodland Landing, Maryland

“I recently donated my daughters old books she no longer reads (about 100+) to her school; I am happy to see that her books were put to good use and they benefited children younger then her. The school is even holding a used book sale to raise funds for their PTA and to fund an end of the school year field trip.#smcpayitfoward”

Silver Spring, Maryland

“In honor of Donate Day, I donated my wedding dress to charity. I knew I wanted to do something special with it; it gives me comfort to know that someone will be able to use the dress and make new memories.”

Hillcrest Heights, Maryland

“While in line to pay at the Safeway, I paid the bill a young man behind me who was purchasing dinner from the cooked food section. He was so incredibly grateful. I gave him the SMC pay it forward Card and encouraged him to pay it forward and he said he would : He must have had just enough money to pay for his food because as I was leaving I saw him run and grab a soda and some gum. What a good feeling to do something nice for others :)”

Silver Spring, Maryland

“I volunteer bi-weekly at a large animal rescue.”

Alburtis, Pennsylvania

“Service Tech, Judy Richardson, & Leasing Professional, Lydia Patrick of The Residences at Oella Mill, located in Ellicott City, MD. Just on the line that divides the two counties of Howard & Baltimore County.

This “Pay It Forward” is all about random acts of kindness that inspire others to continue to do GREAT!

The other day, our team here at Oella thought about how we could go and say thank you to the Baltimore County Police Officers. We often see and interact with the Howard County Police Officers. After realizing this we called over to ask permission to stop by and bring some goodies just to say thank you. They loved the idea and was so excited! The officer on the other end of the phone line said that they are so used to getting negative calls that it was almost unbelievable we’d be bringing over free goodies & Smiles. In order to show our support, Judy and Lydia brought 5 dozen of Dunkin Donuts to the officers at the station and asked for them to just Pay It Forward! The gentleman loved it & spent time with us to share some of their “Pay It Forward” stories! It was a wonderful occasion & felt rewarding!”

Ellicott City, Maryland

“- I volunteer to remove invasive plants from nature centers and parks to help keep native trees and plants alive.
-I will be volunteering, after training, to great and register donors at Red Cross blood donor drives
-I volunteer at creek/stream/river trash collections.”

Pikesville, Maryland

“Valentine’s Day was celebrated at Heaven’s Best Church in Camp Spring, MD. The event was a joyous occasion. Thanks for thinking of others.”

Temple Hills, Maryland

“Candace was instrumental in facilitating lunch brought to my door on Wednesday, February 19 with a call to my residence. I was surprised by this act of kindness.”

Temple Hills, Maryland

“As a new resident to Penn Southern apt’s, I am more than happy to take a few minutes to say, thanks Southern Management for holding your staff to high standards. Each time I have had to go into the office whether to pay my rent or get a temporary parking pass. It’s clear the staff are genuine professionals. It’s seems that the management, leasing agents, grounds keepers, and even the contractors I have come across, all have a common goal, make living in the Penn Southern property a healthy, safe, clean, caring community to call home. Thanks to the staff at Penn Southern, I sleep well each night,

Comm. Randy Kier”

Capitol Heights, Maryland

“SPG team member Jessica Miser had 26 minutes left on her downtown parking meter receipt and she gave up her remaining time to a driver who had just parked so that they would not need to pay for parking. :)”

Washington, District of Columbia

“Last Monday, my daughter came running in the house and said that a neighbor found my wallet on the ground in the street. I was so thankful that my neighbor found it and everything was still in it! Later that week, I approached our neighbor and thanked her for her kindness and gifted her with a gift card to a restaurant nearby. She teared up gave me a hug.”

Landover, Maryland

“Service Manager, Charles sent me an email on Monday thanking me for assistance with the team. Here is the email I received:

Just wanted to take the time to say “Thank you” for all the times you set aside and /or get up early to bring us refreshments to our team meetings, set up of activities, spotting me personally for lunch at times, and always thinking about the team. For me, it hasn’t gone unnoticed.

With this being said, I would like to “Pay It Forward”, tomorrow with buying you lunch!”

Baltimore, Maryland

“While in the line at Shoppers Food Warehouse, the young man (approx. 16yrs old) in front of me did not have enough money to pay for his items. He was $3.79 short. I could tell he could not decide what item to put back so I offered to pay the difference. He thanked me and said God bless. As the cashier was ringing up my order, I noticed my grapes were almost $6! As I was about to say I didn’t want them, the cashier said don’t worry, they are on me. She said she was really moved by me offering to assist the young man.”

Silver Spring, Maryland

“I was at the front responding to knock at my door and two packages left at my door, I am on a walker currently, bending to try to get packages Camillo showed up going apt next door #2 and he assisted me by picking up the packages and handed them to me, attempting to secure the packages and close my door I lost my balance and fell, immediately Carmillo came to aide again helping me to my feet and making sure packages were put on my couch and that I was okay before he departed. A very nice tech with great attitude and a helpful hand. Thank you again Camillo, you’re a good man.”

Owings Mills, Maryland

“It’s always nice to have someone to talk to.”

Temple Hills, Maryland

“Thanks to My assistant Manager, we enjoyed a delicious Breakfast this morning. She said she wants to be part of this chain of sharing with others. Thank you Amie for your generosity. The Aquahart Manor Team.”

Glen Burnie, Maryland

“Amy Gross is an amazing and kind person. Every time I turn around, she is doing something kind for someone and not expecting one thing in return, ever! Today was my birthday and she called me to offer to take me out to lunch. (another one of our team offered also) It really made my day that they offered to do this for me. Four of us ended up going out to eat at a Hibachi Grill. We had a great time, Amy is always the life of a party! At the end of lunch, Amy surprised everyone and paid for the entire check. However, her kindness did not stop there. Sitting at our grill table there was another man and woman . It was the man’s birthday as well. To our surprise, not only did Amy pay for us but she also surprised this couple and paid for their meal as well(and gave them a Pay it Forward card)! What an amazing example of paying it forward! Thanks Amy, you made my day, but not just because you bought me lunch…because you bought that couple lunch! :0)”

Silver Spring, Maryland

“Thanks to a kind and friendly resident for the paper plates. They really came in handy.”

Temple Hills, Maryland

“I went to the store to buy food last week and there a homeless person offering help with the shopping bags. He asked if he was okay to help with the bags, I said it’s okay and he did. I gave him tips, some grocery items along with the card. While I was driving away, I saw thru the rearview mirror that he was reading the card. Giving is not measure by how, who, what, when is all about caring. I went back yesterday to the same store and he was there again. He said from the tips you gave me, I only used some and the rest I gave it to the lady across the street that has two small kids. I replied “Awesome””

Glen Burnie, Maryland


Fredericksburg, Virginia

“Thanks to Mr. Knight (Brian), Service Technician at Marlborough House for delivering lunch from Mid-Atlantic Seafood to my door on February 19, 2016. Mr. Hassan (Teyib) took a snapshot of the event. The occasion was very much appreciated. Hope to experience more events of this nature. Events of this nature lifts the morale.”

Temple Hills, Maryland

“Thanks to Mr. Knight (Brian), Service Technician at Marlborough House for delivering lunch from Mid-Atlantic Seafood to my door on February 19, 2016. Mr. Hassan (Teyib) took a snapshot of the event. The occasion was very much appreciated. Hope to experience more events of this nature. Events of this nature lifts the morale.”

Temple Hills, Maryland

“My neighbor is in her mid 70’s, retired last year and lost her husband a few months afterward. I typically don’t have time to cook dinner for myself in the evening, and when SMC distributed the Pay It Forward cards, I went to the grocery store and bought groceries for us to have a meal together. She wanted to cook, and I was appreciative.
The following morning she returned the Pay It Forward card with a large bag of hand knit socks and wanted me to distribute them to the homeless in the city. So we made a plan…
On the Pay It Forward day I left work a bit early and gave the socks to about 20 people camping near the Healthcare for the Homeless building, went home and made a salad, then dined with my neighbor sharing laughter and friendship. It was a great day to give to each other and others.”

Baltimore, Maryland

“Early Friday morning, I was heading out of my neighborhood, and at the exit gate there was the Southern Management team giving out goodie bags, treating the residents to breakfast. That made my day, thanks so much to the Longview A&T team!”

Woodbridge, Virginia

“Candace the Administrative Assistant at Marlborough House treated a beloved resident to Wendy’s. Also Candace donated money to a resident for Missionary efforts in Haiti. Lets keep the good deeds going to make the world a better place!!”

Hillcrest Heights, Maryland

“Laura my Assistant Property Manager was so nice to provide her office team lunch! I did my good deed yesterday but you can never do to much! Thank you Laura I will pass it on!!!”

Silver Spring, Maryland

“A gentleman’s support in shoveling snow from and around my vehicle after the 2016 blizzard was really and truly heartwarming. I have not seen this kind gesture in many years.”

Hillcrest Heights, Maryland

“Southern Management Corporation paid for lunch from Mid-Atlantic Seafood on Wednesday, February 19, 2016. It was appreciated. Thank You SMC.”

Hillcrest Heights, Maryland

“I was at the 7-11 on 16th Street buying lunch. Someone came up from behind me to pay for it. She handed me this pay it forward card. What a nice company to promote such goodness. She said she works at Summit Hills.”

Silver Spring, Maryland

” I like to take a moment to express an act of kindness that was given by southern management Marlborough House Apartments own Tyieb. It was a great joy to received a phone call about SMC Pay It Forward from Ms Candace, who is always very kind and considerate. Words can not express how thoughtful and sweet of him for thinking of me. It touch my heart deeply to know that you are thought of in such a special way. We here at Marlborough House have the best of the best staff and maintenance crew. Thank you thank you and God Bless You.”

Temple Hills, Maryland

“I asked my co-worker Neyda Vega if she was ordering lunch today and if I could order with her but I didn’t have cash, she said “Sure! and don’t worry I’ll pay for your lunch!” She was so excited to pay it forward and gave me a card so I can do the same.”

Silver Spring, Maryland

“My director, Teraleen demonstrated kindness and appreciation for the team this morning, by providing us with a healthy, delicious breakfast. Her act of kindness gave the team a boost of energy and encouragement to keep an eye out for the next opportunity to pay it forward as well.”

College Park, Maryland

“My Director (in the true spirit of giving) has provided the team with a healthy fruit platter and braided apple strudel for breakfast. I’ve notice that this action of kindness has energized the team and started the day off on the right foot.”

College Park, Maryland

“Today is pay it forward and my wonderful Manager (Tera) came into the office this morning and brought some nice breakfast treats for her entire team! Thank you Tera!”

College Park, Maryland

“The coffee machine was broken in the office kitchen this morning as myself and a colleague went looking for a hot cup of our morning life blood. He was as disappointed as I was so to see the broken machine, so I bought him a cup downstairs in the café!”

Vienna, Virginia

“I have been noticing a lot of homeless especially at the traffic light .So now I have a habit which is putting food in my car (box of crackers or cereal ,can soup..etc. ).I prefer giving them food instead of money because I fear helping them use it in a bad way.”

Greenbelt, Maryland

“I was talking to leasing team and asked what was for lunch, the answered was don’t know. So here it comes Francisco Orellana a technician with a big smile, and said. What is for lunch guys we were like what you got and said I will surprise you. He came back with 3 orders of tacos and gave to us. We were ready to pay him when he said no guy just pay it forward to some body and gave us the three paying forward cards. We were thankful and we will pay it forward soon.”

Alexandria, Virginia

“Last night I sat in a Giant parking lot waiting for my husband to pick up his prescription. To be honest it was so cold and wet outside from the snow and freezing rain (19 degrees) that I wanted to stay in my warm car. While waiting a patron exited the store and started walking slowly towards her vehicle. Because the snow was so heavy (three inches) it was hard for her to push the cart. I could see her struggling to cross the street as she looked around for help only to find an empty parking lot. A young man eventually passed her but never offered assistance. I decided to get out of my warm car and welcome her to start her engine and get warm while I put her bags away. She said “You are a blessing because I just had double knee surgery and I don’t have anyone to help me” I told her it was my pleasure! It’s funny how my selfish act of staying in my warm car allowed me the opportunity to make someone else’s day and pay it forward.”

Glen Burnie, Maryland

“While picking up my dry cleaning yesterday, the gentleman in front of me was a little short of cash for his bill. I paid the difference for him and gave him the SMC card In hopes he’ll do the same for someone else in need.”

Silver Spring, Maryland

“While I was in California Tortilla on Saturday, I was able to pay for a young ladies lunch and gave her the card, hoping she would read it and pass it on.”

Hyattsville, Maryland

“When passing through a freeway toll booth, I was informed by the attendant that the driver ahead of me paid my toll and that I was free to pass through. I caught up to the driver, waived, and mouthed the words “Thank You!”. After receiving that good deed, I have paid it forward multiple times by paying the tolls of other drivers following me. A small price to pay for a good deed!”

Fairfax County, Virginia

“I routinely stop and get coffee before work. One day in particular I was getting coffee as usual and I was about to pay the cashier and she stopped me. She pulled out a gift card and said someone already paid for my coffee. Apparently, someone paid for a gift card and left it with her with instructions to pay for the next person’s items until the money on the card ran out. After I paid for my items she suggested that I put the amount I would have paid for my coffee on the same gift card to keep it going. Needless to say my day was nothing short of amazing.”

Silver Spring, Maryland

“I was at Walgreens and a customer’s card kept getting declined. The cashier with his scrooge attitude did not help the situation. He was the only cashier and there were 5 people in line. I told the cashier to just give him his gum and soda and I would pay for his items. He said thank you and the people in line that were complaining seemed to calm down. When I got up to pay for my items, one of my items was 75% off. I guess that was good karma. When you do good, good happens.”

Silver Spring, Maryland

“On 11/25/15 I was able to sponsor 2 families in need for Thanksgiving. They both had a unexpected financial hardship and was unable to provide a nice meal for their families.”

Silver Spring, Maryland

“While in the long line at Subway for National Sandwich Day, the customer in front of me was not able to pay for his sub, his bank card wasn’t working and there were 20 people in line becoming restless. I asked the cashier to ring up his order with mine. When the gentleman thanked me, I only asked him, that when given a chance, Pay It Forward :)”

Pikesville, Maryland


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