
The Community Scoop

With over 50 years in the industry, we have lots of insight and experience in apartment living and hospitality in the communities and guests we serve. Find behind the scenes insight, rental property best practices, and apartment life inspiration here.
  • puppy in apartment

    How To Puppy Proof Your Apartment

    If there’s a silver — or should we say, “furry” — lining to the current quarantine and stay-at-home orders, it’s the increased interest across the country in adopting or fostering a pet. According to SEMrush, a data analytics company, there was a 335% increase in Google searches around “adopt a pet” in March. With everyone […]

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  • virtual meetings

    Creative Ways To Socialize Over Virtual Meetings

    Stay-at-home orders and social distancing have put a damper on friendly get-togethers as well as the dating scene, but your social life doesn’t have to take a hit during this time. With most public places like restaurants, bowling alleys, museums, and movie theaters closed due to coronavirus, people have taken to virtual meetings and long-distance […]

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  • Essential Tips for Practicing Music in Your Apartment

    As stay-at-home orders are extended and Americans practice social distancing, everyone is spending a lot of time indoors. To combat boredom and expand horizons while hunkering down, some people have taken up new hobbies or are revisiting old ones, including practicing and playing music. How To Reduce Noise In An Apartment While Enjoying Music We’ve […]

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  • Beautiful African American women at home lying on bed with earphones in and eyes closed with a cup of coffee next to her

    How To Spend Time Alone In Your Apartment

    Living with roommates certainly has its benefits, like saving money on rent and other household expenses. If you’re lucky, you’ll also have someone to decorate, clean and hang out with. So much so that when they’re gone for an extended period of time you might find yourself wondering how to keep yourself busy at home […]

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