
The Community Scoop

With over 50 years in the industry, we have lots of insight and experience in apartment living and hospitality in the communities and guests we serve. Find behind the scenes insight, rental property best practices, and apartment life inspiration here.
  • Den vs. Bedroom: What’s the Difference?

    When you’re looking for a new home, you might come across listings that mention both bedrooms and dens. While they may seem similar, these two types of rooms have distinct characteristics that set them apart from each other. Understanding the differences can help you make the most of your living space. What Is a Bedroom? […]

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  • How to Furnish an Apartment on a Budget

    Moving into a new apartment is an exciting step forward and a great opportunity for a decor refresh. However, figuring out how to furnish an apartment on a budget can be challenging, especially for young adults moving out on their own for the first time.  Even if you don’t have much money to spend on […]

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  • standard apartment furniture

    What is a Semi-Furnished Apartment?

    Renting a fully or even partially furnished apartment can save time, reduce decision fatigue, and make the moving process much easier. Plus, a semi-furnished apartment can cut down on some of the upfront costs of buying furniture, allowing you instead to spend money on other items such as kitchen essentials or décor pieces. What is […]

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  • How to Best Use Your Balcony Space

    There’s nothing quite like relaxing on your patio or balcony at the end of a long day. No matter the size of your apartment, having a private outdoor space to decorate and call your own can be a major perk in the midst of a busy urban landscape. If you are fortunate enough to have […]

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